Tallinn, Mustamäe, Aiandi 4/1 (behind the building)Mon-Fri 8:00 – 17:00
Tallinn, Haabersti 1 (Haabersti Rimi parking lot)
Carpets are not accepted here.Mon-Fri 9:00 – 19:00Sat-Sun 10:00 – 19:00
Didn’t find a suitable location? In this case, order our laundry delivery service to your home or office!
Aiandi 4/1, 12915, Mustamäe, TallinnInfo: 600 22 66 info@pesupanda.ee
Reg no. 10145900VAT nr EE100344080LHV IBAN: EE577700771001474993SWIFT/BIC: LHVBEE22
Kairit JõeperaLaundry Service Coordinatorkairit@pesupanda.ee
Our goal is to be the cleaning service with the best service and quality and our whole team works hard every day to justify that title.